
Paste in your URLS to convert them to clickable links, html, tracker list e.t.c.

Added a donate button. If you find this tool useful please consider donating a few pennies to help with hosting costs.

Favicons were added so that it looks a bit nicer when you save it to your home screen or bookmark it.

Converting text to links seems to be as popular as ever, if you have any suggestions for improvements please email them to

Since the rewrite 'urls' without a protocol were not validating or being processed. If invalid we will now attempt to add https protocol.

Hello pandemic people. I hope the past year or so hasn't been too tragic. Here's a small update to fix an issue with URL parameters getting lost.

Update to Multilinkr

Thank you for using Multilinkr, for those of you who are regulars here, you'll notice a small update to the site.

I have implemented a dark theme for the site for accessibility and to make it easier on the eye when spending a long time using the site.

Also due to the nature of the one-page-app, Google had emailed me about not having relevant content for users. Personally I don't think it's necessary to have content on this one-page app. If anything, I find content is distracting from the tool. However, they requested that I add some content, to be allowed to continue advertising to help fund the server.

The app hasn't and won't change the way it works, allowing you to convert a list of URLs into links.

Purpose of Multilinkr

The purpose of Multilinkr is simple, to make formatting and converting lists of urls very easy. Simply paste in your plain-text list of urls and choose the format you want.

Converting Trackers

When downloading a torrent, often sites will supply you with a list of trackers in a table or just in new lines. Unfortunately some torrent software requires the trackers to be inserted with empty lines between them. Multilinkr can make this easy, just paste in the list and hit the "Trackers" button to quickly format these perfectly for uTorrent, bitTorrent, vuze etc

Convert links into HTML anchor tags

Sometimes even using an autocompleter such as Emmet in your IDE isn't quick enough, sometimes you have a long list of links that you want to generate html for.

Multilinkr now lets you convert plain-text urls into HTML anchor tags, simply paste and click the HTML button. You can now copy and paste the HTML back into your web page.

Convert links for forum post

If you want to post a list of URLs to a forum post, you'll most likely need to use BBCode.

You can paste in the plain-text links here and convert them to BBCode making it fast and easy to convert them to be used in a forum post.

Convert links into HTML anchor tags

Sometimes even using an autocompleter such as Emmet in your IDE isn't quick enough, sometimes you have a long list of links that you want to generate html for.

Multilinkr now lets you convert plain-text urls into HTML anchor tags, simply paste and click the HTML button. You can now copy and paste the HTML back into your web page.